Thursday, September 24, 2009

things about my week that were interesting:

I thought I was coming down with a severe case of illness on Monday, so I stayed home from work and slept until one in the afternoon (how do you do that if you're not ill?,) and then got up and took a long bath. Things improved (the water was hot.) The new season of Heroes premiered and I had some things to say about it, but not as many things as Chad had to say about it.

I went to work on Tuesday with no incident. I did wake up late and couldn't find my keys, so I had to wake Marge up and have her take me to work. I feel bad about the whole thing. But, my keys were just behind a watermelon.

Today I walked to work, as usual. It was pretty chilly out- only 54 degrees! I'm so excited for fall I could melt (so, it's a good thing it's getting colder.) Seeing people in layers is one of my biggest delights. Dressing myself in layers is an even bigger delight. Deee-lite, even.

Last week I decided to start getting an associates degree via online schooling through community college. I couldn't feel better about this decision.

This weekend, I will begin learning new things again! I'm going to the Prairie Festival with Libby, since it's her birthday. There's a barn dance and a dinner and so many lectures! I'm excited to come home and finally have something to talk about.


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